Miasto i Gmina Gniew

Treść strony

Forests - resources

The forest area in the municipality of Gniew in total amounts to 3837 ha, what constitutes 19,6% of the total area of the discussed administrative unit (data of UMiG Gniew). This is the highest value among the communes of the Tczew district, but despite this fact, the forests of the discussed unit are much smaller than the forests of the whole Pomerania (35,8 %), and even the whole country (28,8 %).

The vast majority of the forests is located outside the borders of the city of Gniew – within the town there is only 60 ha of the forests. The total area of forests 373 ha is occupied by the commercial forests.

The species composition are dominated by pine and oak, which represent 30% of plantings each. Moreover, the district forests include beech (10%), larch (10%) and spruce (5%). The remaining 15% of the trees include other deciduous species than the ones listed above. The age structure contains the largest share of the plantings aged 0-40 (30%). 20% of the trees are aged 40-80 and the same percentage is older than 80 years of age.

Data publikacji: 2016-03-08 09:38
  • Forests
  • Forests
  • Forests


  • MAC

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Data publikacji: 2015-12-14 12:15


[obiekt mapy] Lokalizacja urzędu na mapie
Fotokod - wizytówka Urzędu Miasta i Gminy Gniew

Urząd Miasta i Gminy Gniew
Plac Grunwaldzki 1, 83-140 Gniew
pon., wt., czw. 7.30-15.30
śr. 7.30-17.00
pt. 7.30-14.00
tel. 58 530 79 19;
fax 58 530 79 40
e-mail: sekretariat@gniew.pl
Gmina Gniew
NIP 593 10 05 516
REGON 191675296

Adres Elektronicznej Skrzynki Podawczej: /34gu04waml/skrytka

Referaty UMiG Gniew

Informator teleadresowy

Data publikacji: 2015-09-03 15:11


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