Miasto i Gmina Gniew

Treść strony

The Wierzyca River Trail

The Wierzyca River Trail runs from Gniew to Pelplin. The resting point will be located in the Forester of Brody Pomorskie. The landscaping elements will be arranged along the route.

The course of trail (in the municipality of Gniew):

Gniew - Brody Pomorskie (leśniczówka) - in the direction of Gętomie  (commune of Morzeszczyn)

The town of Gniew, starting the trail, in terms of the historical and cultural values is one of the most attractive places of the Pomerania when it comes to tourism. Here we can find the groupings of monuments of architecture and construction, as well as individual objects of the cultural heritage of the international importance and the primary national importance. In the town of Brody Pomorskie there is a beautifully situated forester with the recreational area, mini ZOO and a small clinic for wild animals. This is simply a perfect place for an outdoor event.

Data publikacji: 2016-03-11 11:18
  • The Wierzyca River Trail
  • The Wierzyca River Trail
  • The Wierzyca River Trail


  • MAC

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Data publikacji: 2015-12-14 12:15


[obiekt mapy] Lokalizacja urzędu na mapie
Fotokod - wizytówka Urzędu Miasta i Gminy Gniew

Urząd Miasta i Gminy Gniew
Plac Grunwaldzki 1, 83-140 Gniew
pon., wt., czw. 7.30-15.30
śr. 7.30-17.00
pt. 7.30-14.00
tel. 58 530 79 19;
fax 58 530 79 40
e-mail: sekretariat@gniew.pl
Gmina Gniew
NIP 593 10 05 516
REGON 191675296

Adres Elektronicznej Skrzynki Podawczej: /34gu04waml/skrytka

Referaty UMiG Gniew

Informator teleadresowy

Data publikacji: 2015-09-03 15:11


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