Miasto i Gmina Gniew

Treść strony

The Opalenie Trail

The Opalenie Trail runs from Mała Karczma to Opalenie. The path I already labelled. It is an easy, and at the same time very charming, trail on the Vistula Protected Landscape Area, with the length of 7,5km that runs from Opalenie, where we can admire the historic religious buildings, leading mainly through the forest through the reserve of Opalenie Dolne, along the stream of Struga Młyńska, to the swimming pool by the Rakowiec lake in Mała Karczma. In the town of Pólko, on the route of the trail, the Chamber of Environmental Education was created by the Forestry of Opalenie.

The course of trail (in the municipality of Gniew):

Mała Karczma - Pilski - Pólko - Opalenie

The nature trail runs through the forests growing on the high Vistula embankment. Nearby there are two floristic reserves – Opalenie Dolne, Opalenie Górne. They are big, rich in peculiarities of flora – among others bog plants – small sedge, horsetail, alpine rushes, on numerous oxbow lakes you can fin the marsh heath, white sedge, water lilies and yellow water lilies, while in the forests the areas of Lathyrus pisiformis L, Aconitum variegatum L. and extremely rare mountain ferns or asters amellus, but also fauna – there are numerous habitats of beavers, wandering moose were encountered.

Data publikacji: 2016-03-09 12:41
  • Lake in Rakowiec


  • MAC

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Data publikacji: 2015-12-14 12:15


[obiekt mapy] Lokalizacja urzędu na mapie
Fotokod - wizytówka Urzędu Miasta i Gminy Gniew

Urząd Miasta i Gminy Gniew
Plac Grunwaldzki 1, 83-140 Gniew
pon., wt., czw. 7.30-15.30
śr. 7.30-17.00
pt. 7.30-14.00
tel. 58 530 79 19;
fax 58 530 79 40
e-mail: sekretariat@gniew.pl
Gmina Gniew
NIP 593 10 05 516
REGON 191675296

Adres Elektronicznej Skrzynki Podawczej: /34gu04waml/skrytka

Referaty UMiG Gniew

Informator teleadresowy

Data publikacji: 2015-09-03 15:11


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